About OCIO

The NOAA Office of the Chief Information Officer and High Performance Computing and Communications (OCIO/HPCC) is responsible for all NOAA information and information technology (IT) resources. NOAA has a $450M annual IT Portfolio Investment budget.

The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) provides mission-essential enterprise-wide IT services such as email, calendar, web hosting, administrative computing, networking, security monitoring, and security incident response. Through the NOAA HPCC program, the office ensures cost-effective, enterprise-wide supercomputing support to NOAA’s research and forecasting missions.

The OCIO has extensive planning, reporting, and oversight responsibilities for IT investments, IT security, Information Quality, and Privacy as well as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). These responsibilities originate in a number of Federal laws including the Clinger-Cohen Act, the Federal Information Management Security Act (FISMA), the Information Quality Act, the Privacy Act, and the E-Government Act.


Office of the Chief Information Officer Organization Chart - last updated, January 15, 2020 - chart depicts the structure of the CIO office beginning with the Chief Information Officer and Director, High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) - The Chief of Staff, Homeland Security Program Office, and Radio Frequency Management report directly and all other positions are subordinate beginning with the Deputy Director, HPCC, NOAA Geospatial Information Officer, the Chief Data Officer (who has a