Federal Program Office Post-Award/Closeout User Resources

1. Federal Program Office User Manuals
These "How-to" manuals show the step-by-step essentials of using the system. Each manual is in Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) file format.
Post Award Processing 

2. Partial Funding Processing Guidance
The Partial Funding Memo Samples provides sample language for the Partial Funding Memo.
The Partial Funding Process document provides a quick step by step guidance for the Partial Funding Process.


3. ACCS Lines -- Revise Approved and Correct
The Revise Approved Procurement Request or Correct ACCS on Funded Award document provides guidance on making corrections to ACCS Lines after the award has been obligated and accepted.

4. Reminder Notifications for Progress Reports, Financial Reports, and Specific Award Conditions in Grants Online
The Grants Online Notification Chart provides a quick overview of all report notifications (Advance and Delinquent).

The ASAP TAS/BETC Training provides specifics on the ASAP TAS/BETC updates.

6. Reduce Funding Processing Guidance
The Reduce Funding Process document provides a quick step by step guidance for the Reduce Funding Process.

7. Award Action Request Guidance
The Award Action Request Guidance  corresponds to the latest 2 CFR Part 200 updates and includes a detailed explanation for each Award Action Request. 

Grants Online New Item

IMPORTANT NOTE:   The following presentation is designed to be viewed on a laptop. By default, the interactive presentation has a Text-to-Speech component. To view the presentation without Text-to-Speech, mute the speakers on your workstation. 

The Award Action Request Video corresponds to Module #10 of the New Federal Program Officer virtual training. 


8. Research Performance Progress Report User Guide
The Research Performance Progress Report User Guide provides guidance for the Research Performance Progress Report.

9. Supplementary Information, Correspondence and Federal Reports User Guide
The Supplementary Information, Correspondence and Federal Reports document provides guidance on how to use these features in Grants Online. 

10. Award Tracking Report Quick Reference Guide/Award Tracking Report Template
The Award Tracking Report Quick Reference Guide provides guidance and instructions on how to generate the Award Tracking Report. Furthermore, the guide provides definitions to the Award Tracking Report columns to provide a clearer understanding to the end user.
The Award Tracking Report Template will download an Excel template to your workstation.