Hera more than doubles the previous Theia system with a total capacity of 3,270 trillion floating point operations per second – or 3.27 petaflops. It is Cray System and provides compute capacity of 45 million hours per month with 63,840 cores and a total scratch disk capacity of 18.5 Petabytes.

Hera supports development of weather modeling across Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research and National Weather Service to improve the prediction of high-impact weather events and evaluate potential future directions for models and data assimilation

NOAA’s RDHPCS also provides software engineering support and associated tools to re-architect NOAA’s applications to run efficiently on next generation fine-grain HPC architectures. The Fine Grain Graphical Processing Units with a total capacity of 2,000 trillion floating point operations per second - or 2.0 petaflops provide an experimental test bed for application development of next-generation research computing technologies, but also help NOAA to more efficiently use its existing high performance computing assets.

A view inside the Hera supercomputer site at NOAA’s facility in Fairmont, West Virginia
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